Being Social

I bumped into a teaching colleague two days ago; it was lovely to see her. I was walking our forever stubborn dog, Toffee. She was rushing off to work. A brief conversation ensued. We exchanged pleasantries; she asked how I was coping with retirement. To which I replied it was taking time. Her reply has played on my conscience over the last few days. She said “Sharyn, you have always been a very social person, it would be hard.”

Yes, I revelled in the social interactions that are the teaching world. Both with adults and students. I miss it dreadfully, especially the positive stuff.

Finding my new norm has been difficult. At present I have a very transient lifestyle, committing to community groups or a part time job is problematic. No two weeks are the same. My Friday Knitting and Crochet group, when I get there, is uplifting.

As I’ve mentioned before having a cancer diagnosis has a dramatic impact on your friendships. Some friends don’t know what to say so they avoid you, quietly withdrawing. A close family member let slip during a conversation with the man that being around people with cancer was depressing. Well that sucks!

So here I am between a rock and a hard place. My wise younger sister, offered up some good advice this week “Don’t tell anyone”, she said, “It changes the way people treat you”, prudent counsel from someone who knows. I’m quite convinced that many think I am contagious. Now that I’ve got that off my chest, let’s move on.

To inject a little happiness here, let me introduce my irises.


The man’s birthday is coming up. A road trip is planned to celebrate, a little sojourn to New Plymouth and Taupo. We’ve been waiting for the weather to improve!! As I sit here writing, high winds and rain squalls entertain us, its 14°C or 57°F outside, the heat pump is on and I’m still wearing woollen vests. It’s spring for goodness sake. Fortunately common sense prevails, travel arrangements need to be made, and after all we have no control over the weather gods.

I’ve been sewing coats this week, crocheting toys and yet another rug.


When it’s not raining I’ve been sloshing around in the garden. Unfortunately a large scrub fire broke out on the coast early on Saturday morning, fire crews with the help of a helicopter managed to get the blaze under control. There was no damage to property; I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would intentionally light such a fire.


I’ve been doing quite a bit of needle felting recently.  Finding replacement needles for my Clover and Arbee tools has been a little problematic. They are expensive to buy locally, my first attempt at buying on line was disastrous, my money refunded weeks later, apparently, the needles were out of stock. I finally hit gold on

I love a bargain, they fit, and I have spares.

Three wee bears are currently on the go. There tiny faces are a joy to make, each one unique.


Small cookie cutters are so useful, what a revelation. When not being used to bake Christmas goodies they are used for needle felting. Voila, we have perfectly symmetrical hearts and my fingers are protected from those dastardly needles.

As promised a writing resource for all those teachers out there. This particular resource was designed for writing Recounts, (A3 format). Students were asked to share four  personal experiences in less than 50 words, (obviously your expectations will be shaped according to your students needs). Our emphasis was on using descriptive language to paint a picture in the readers mind. Students were encouraged to add art to embellish their published work. My exemplar has been included.

Recountsville Exemplar


Cheerio from me, I’m off outside to trim a hedge.

Until next time.

About SharynFlack

Wife, Mother, Teacher (Relief), Frustrated Writer, Part Time Artist, Problem Solver
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